Membership Signup

Membership Application

Membership is open to locally based Voluntary Organisations and Individuals

Membership Benefits

  • Be part of the network of Third Sector Organisations, including the local Third Sector Interface (TSI).
  • Become involved in Third Sector Hebrides activities, including input at board level.
  • Have access to facilities at our base, 30 Francis Street (TSH) and benefit from discounts on services including Printing, Meeting Room Hire, Equipment Hire.
  • Access to information and advice on a range of subjects, including Employability, Funding, Community Planning, and our Befriending Service.


Third Sector Hebrides
A company limited by guarantee No. SC164323
Scottish Charity No. SC015053

30 Francis Street, Stornoway,
Isle of Lewis HS1 2ND
T: 01851 702632