
Third Sector Hebrides

Third Sector Hebrides (TSH) is a registered Scottish charity (SC015053) and not for profit company limited by guarantee which acts as an umbrella organisation for a group of companies including Volunteering Hebrides, Outer Hebrides Social Economy Partnership (OHSEP) and Voluntary Action Training. We are also approved by SEPA for the distribution of Scottish Landfill Communities Funds.

TSH’s main purpose is to support the third sector on Lewis to develop and flourish by providing advice, information, and practical services. The third sector on Lewis is made up of voluntary, community and charitable organisations and groups, social enterprises, and volunteers.


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Volunteering Hebrides

Volunteering Hebrides exist to support the vision of fairer, more prosperous, better educated and healthier communities in the Western Isles.

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Outer Hebrides Social Enterprise

Social enterprises trade in many markets - selling goods and services to individual consumers, local authorities, government and private businesses.

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Voluntary Action Training

Scottish Government’s new service was launched in April 2018 to provide “tailored, person centred support to a minimum of 38,000 people who are furthest removed from the labour market.”

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Scottish Landfill Community Fund

Third Sector Hebrides is an approved body for the distribution of Scottish Landfill Communities Fund. The committee hold 4 rounds per annum and at the closure of each round applications are assessed.

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Third Sector Interface

Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) provide a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector within the local area.

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Membership Info

Any not-for-profit group or organisation located and operating in the Hebrides is welcome to become a member of Third Sector Hebrides.

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